OPDP is a non-governmental human rights organisation promoting, protecting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ collective and individual rights.
This strategic priority serves as an important internal coordination mechanism for strengthening
OPDP’s strategic work with the indigenous communities across all thematic areas and its
engagement with relevant development partners and other stakeholders.
a) Ensure community and stakeholder satisfaction with OPDP programmes and services.
b) Ensure effective and efficient operations and service excellence.
c) Ensure adequate resources for diverse programmes.
d) Ensure active participation and consultation of community and stakeholders.
e) Strengthen human capital and work environment.
f) Strengthen research and information management capabilities.
g) Strengthen the image and visibility of OPDP in undertaking community and social change
The indigenous communities in Kenya and across the continent have continued to suffer due to
limited rights over access, use, occupancy and to an extent, ownership of their ancestral land. Our
goal, therefore, is to ensure that the indigenous communities collective rights to land, territories and
natural resources are recognized, respected and protected at the global, national and county level.
a) Ensure effective interaction of the legal structures and frameworks with collective rights of the
Minority and indigenous communities at the local, national, and global levels; the right to
recognition, the right to land and natural resources, the right to development, the right to
participation, the right to non-discrimination and substantive equality, and the right to be free
from violence.
b) Provide support for the implementation of Kenya’s and other global commitments to promote
respect for human rights, land rights, gender equality, and environmental sustainability and relate
to areas such as sustainable natural resource management, displacement and resettlement,
cultural heritage and indigenous peoples.
The main challenge being addressed by this thematic area is the violation of the human rights among
the indigenous communities and promote their participation in decision-making processes at all
levels. OPDP aims at promoting respect for human rights and dignity. This will contribute to
ensuring that the rights of the indigenous communities are respected, protected and justice is
a) Ensure access to justice as fundamental human right issues as enshrined in the Kenyan
constitution and other international and regional human right instruments.
b) Ensure effective interaction of the legal structures and frameworks with collective rights of the
Ogiek community and indigenous communities globally: the right to recognition, the right to
land and natural resources, the right to development, the right to participation, the right to nondiscrimination.
OPDP has been at the forefront in advocating for climate change justice and environmental
conservation within the indigenous peoples’ lands and territories. Some of the strategies being
employed include raising awareness on climate change effects and employing mitigation measures
through rehabilitation programs.
a) Strengthen the social and environmental outcomes affecting the Ogiek community and other
Indigenous communities globally.
b) Strengthen the capacities of environmental defenders for managing social and environmental
c) Strengthen the role of Ogiek women and youth in the protection of the environment and
d) Promote the role of IPs in mitigation and adaptation to climate change.
The protection of culture and language is a central element of indigenous peoples’ survival. The
indigenous culture is rich but little of it is known at the national level. The pressure to be assimilated
has been increasing over the years threatening the survival of both the linguistic and material culture
of the Minority and Indigenous Peoples.
a) To promote and preserve the Ogiek culture and language.
b) Ensure that the national government enacts appropriate legislation guaranteeing and protecting
their rights and identity.
c) Ensure mind-set change for people to accept linguistic diversity and enable the survival of
indigenous peoples’ languages.
OPDP has been supporting the indigenous peoples to ensure they are actively involved in SDGs.
Specifically, OPDP focuses on SDG 3, 4 and 7 good health and well-being, education and renewable
a) Improve community participation of indigenous people in Sustainable development goals
b) To promote the use of renewable energy e.g., solar, biogas, brigades, wind, hydropower,
geothermal etc.
c) Promote the consumption of clean and affordable energy.
d) To ensure that Renewable energy projects set up within indigenous peoples lands and territories
do not violate Human rights.
e) Advocate for improved access to health care services that are affordable and equipped.
f) Promote education among the indigenous communities by ensuring schools are accessible,
available and well equipped.
OPDP focuses on strengthening the livelihoods of the vulnerable groups to reduce poverty and
promoting gender equality.
Empowerment of the vulnerable groups among MIPs for sustainable development.
a) Reduce the level of discriminations of indigenous women and youth.
b) Enhance the capacity of Ogiek and other indigenous women, men, youth, elderly and PLWD
through inclusion and participation in development programmes.
c) Improve the economic, political, cultural, educational and health status of indigenous women,
men, PWDs, elderly, and youth. For instance, through capacity, establishing livelihood projects
to support them, create awareness on available channels that they can explore.
d) Sensitizing the vulnerable groups on Human Rights.
Call Us Today At +254 51 2213803 / +254 742 602 044 | [email protected] / [email protected]