- Version 3rd Edition
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- File Size 15.2 MB
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- Create Date March 3, 2022
- Last Updated March 3, 2022
Ogiek Community Bio-Cultural Protocol
Bio-cultural Community Protocols (BCPs) articulates community-determined values, procedures and priorities, and sets out community’s rights and responsibilities under customary, state and international law. It was developed after community consultative process to outline their core ecological, cultural, spiritual values, norms and customary laws relating to their Indigenous Traditional Knowledge (TK) and natural resources, based on which they provide clear terms and conditions to regulate access to their knowledge, natural resources and genetic resources. The Bio-Cultural Community Protocol of the Ogiek peoples provides an insight into important social and cultural values of our people. It highlights and documents our traditional knowledge, way of life, customary laws and the key elements of Free Prior
Informed Consent (FPIC) when engaging with external actors such as government, research Institutions, pharmaceutical companies and other private investors.
It also identifies current challenges we face and their impact on our way of life. It documents and showcases our role in protecting and conserving Mau forest Complex, and states clear terms and conditions in regulating access to our knowledge and
By developing the BCP, the Ogiek call on the Kenyan Government, private sector and other
stakeholders to recognize and appreciate our vital role as guardians and conservators
of biological diversity in Mau Forest Complex, and recognize our customary and legal
rights on our land, territories and natural resources.